
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Delete Loan Approval

Loan Approvals can be deleted as long as the loan has not yet been disbursed. In case commissions have been charged then the corresponding fees have to be deleted (see: Delete Loan Commission) before the loan approval can also be available for deletion.

How to delete Loan Approval

To delete a loan approval you go to Loans -> Loan Deletion -> Delete Loan Approval and the following screen is displayed:

From the list of displayed approved loans, click on the one that you want to delete, e.g., "Nansik, Chat (ind)".


Click on the Yes command button to confirm the deletion. The deleted approved loan will be removed from the list.

Note that the loan will now be available in the Modify Loan Applications list.

You can view the report on the deleted loan approvals at Deleted Loans/Repayments Report.

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